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About me

I am an archaeologist, dress anthropologist and heritage specialist. Over the last thirty years I have worked on several excavations in Egypt (at present at Tell el-Amarna) and the Netherlands on sites ranging from the Neolithic period to the Late Middle Ages, and have curated museum exhibits both in the Netherlands and in Egypt. For my studies at Leiden University (NL) I have received a master degree in Egyptian archaeology (1998).


At present I study ancient Egyptian hairstyles from Tell el-Amarna, Egypt, as part of my PhD research. My other archaeological research field comprises archaeological beadwork analysis. Over the years my career has shifted from mainly archaeology to a combination with more recent cultural heritage and its social implications. As dress anthropologist, I study contemporary costume and personal adornment (the combination of dress, body augmentation and scent, veils, jewelry and amulets).


As a heritage consultant I research the economic and social values of heritage in new (spatial) developments and the management of archaeological sites. I have conducted research on the relationship between heritage, environment and tourism, archaeological risk and site management, and policy making (both in Egypt and in the Netherlands). The protection of archaeological sites from detrimental effects by visitors, waste accumulation and industrial pollution have been main subjects of interest. Because of these subjects, my focus has also shifted towards the ‘Archaeology of the Now’ or Garbology, and - eventually - marine litter.

Jolanda Bos archaeologist heritage consultant

Drs Jolanda E.M.F. Bos



Wearable heritage

Leiden University, faculty of humanities, the Netherlands


I study the technological, social and religious interpretation of hairstyles from the non-elite cemeteries of Tell el-Amarna, Egypt. My aim is to understand the manner in which the inhabitants of the ancient city prepared their dead for the afterlife, and the role hair and hair treatment played. The Tell el-Amarna hair reflects social stature, personhood and identity, as well as ritual practices and funerary beliefs in New Kingdom Egypt and the ancient city Akhet-Aton in particular. This study fits in with an international focus on private religion, gender and identity studies


the Egyptian Bead Project


Conducting beadwork analysis, project initiator and editor. For this project I have done research in various international museums (i.e. Petrie Museum London, Neues Museum Berlin). The project will result in a series of publications on beads

Tell el-Amarna Project 


Studying the human hair remains of the different cemeteries at Tell el-Amarna, Egypt

Dutch Police Academy 


I am listed as a national specialist on costume, veils, hairstyles and jewelry from the West Asian and North African region and can be consulted for forensic research


Independent Researcher

Wearable heritage Jolanda Bos


Studying contemporary jewelry, veils, face and hair related items, decoration and costume in the West Asian and North African region

Independent Researcher 


Beadwork analysis and bead studies from archaeological contexts. Research topics: ancient headdresses and other beaded artefacts. I study museum collections and conduct beadwork analysis at archaeological field expeditions in Egypt

(Guest) curator & consultant 


Over the years I have worked on various exhibitions on wearable heritage in different museums (National Museum of Antiquities Leiden NL, Wereldmuseum Rotterdam NL, Pieterskerk Leiden NL, National Museum of Ethnology Leiden NL, Teylers Museum Haarlem NL, Markiezenhof Bergen op Zoom NL)  and visitor centers on sites in Egypt (Beyt Sobek Karanis EG, Beyt Ababda Wadi Gamal EG)

EDAPP (Eastern Desert Antiquities Preservation Project)

Analyzing and describing Ababda cultural heritage in the Egyptian Eastern Desert on costume and related subjects

Textile Research Centre, National Museum of Antiquities 

Beadwork research and experimental research on beading techniques from Pharaonic Egypt in general and more specific, the artefacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun

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Master's Degree


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Bachelor's Degree


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High School Diploma


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Publishing an writing

Blkvld Uitgevers - Publishers


At BLKVLD Publishers I am a book editor, production manager, writer and co-publisher


Métier Magazine


At BLKVLD I co-produce Métier Magazine, a Dutch quarterly on arts, crafts, materials and techniques. I am a contributing author, and since 2025 I am the editor-in-chief of Métier


Idependent Researcher & Author


Books and booklets on various subjects: Dutch archaeology, contemporary jewelry, costume and dress


Idependent Writer for Popular Science Magazines


Between 1999 and the present, I have written over 200 articles (not listed here) in popular science magazines on various subjects such as archaeology, contemporary jewelry, veils, head ornaments, hair and related objects, amulets from the West Asian and North African region and heritage in general. I have written for Dutch and international magazines like Métier Magazine, Tibale Kunst en Cultuur, RAWI, Handwerken zonder Grenzen, Archeologie Magazine, ArcheoBrief, Vitruvius, Kunst en Wetenschap, Ornament, Adornment, Ethnic Jewels Magazine and Handeye, Zay Initiative and various other online blogs. For my academic publications and books please have a look at Books & Articles.


Archeobrief, Foundation of Dutch Archaeology; Kluwer Heritage Online Magazine


Member of the editorial board of various magazines on the subject of Dutch archaeology and heritage

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For more titles and publications, please see Books and Articles

Heritage, value and branding



BLKVLD&Bos develops heritage policies, heritage strategies and conducts risk assessments for heritage sites. The Economy of Meaning is an important stimulant for embedding heritage in new developmernts and place branding. Between 2020-2021 I conducted a study into the impact of the development of sustainable energy installations on the Dutch archaeological record, for the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands.


The Missing Link


Senior heritage consultant at The Missing Link, a heritage consultancy specialized in effective and sustainable heritage management


the ReCollective


the ReCollective is a product group of The Missing Link. tRC aims to be the inspirator for heritage experience and place branding


ArcheoLogic - Past2Present


Archaeological project management, design, heritage policy and the implementation of heritage policy in municipal legislation


University of Bologna (Italy)


Training Seminars on Research Planning, Characterisation,
Conservation and Management in Archaeological Sites


 VleuGel Project, Cultural Heritage Agency

Quality control and contract manager for several archaeological excavations in the large infrastructural project Vleuten-Geldermalsen


 Berenike Project, University of Delaware & Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, NL

Seasonal fieldwork for the excavations in the south of Egypt, and research and subsequent publication of the amphora stoppers and seals


Projectgroep Archeologie Betuweroute & HSL

Quality control and contract manager for several archaeological excavations in large infrastructural projects

marine litter



Researching depositional processes, accumulation and sedimentation of marine debris on beaches; means of transport of human waste and the degradation of plastics in the marine and coastal environment


North Sea Beachcombing 


Facebook community reporting on beach finds and marine debris at the North Sea coastal zones, from an archaeological point of view. We list finds, discuss provenance, accumulation and more generally we promote the reduction of (single use) plastics


 ‘Expert Track’ of the UNEP Massive Open Online Course on Marine Litter 2015

End paper: "Action Plan Effective Beach Cleanups Zandvoort, the Netherlands"

Ambassadorship - 5Gyres

2016 - present

Part of a global network of supporters to take action against plastic pollution in the marine environment. As a 5Gyres Ambassador I am raising awareness on the effects of marine debris on marine wildlife and our Dutch coasts. I organize lectures, write articles and consult on the reduction of (single use) plastics in our every day environment

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Jolanda Bos heritage consultant
Jolanda Bos site management
The redesign of Beyt Sobek visitor center

I have advized in the concept design, the experience of future visitors, and consulted on sustainability for the design of the visitor center Beyt Sobek near the ancient site of Karanis. I have also consulted in the restauration of the monumental excavation house for the future use as a museum. Educating and engaging the local community was an important project aspect


Jolanda Bos, ethnography, museum presentation
Museum presentation of Beyt Ababda visitor center

For the development of the Ababda visitor center in Wadi Gamal National Park, Egypt, I have conducted ethnographic work and advized on the presentation of the objects in the museum cases. In 2006 she was part of a group of specialists who intalled the exhibition in the visitor center. I have also worked on the engagement with the local community, which was an important aspect of this project


Jolanda Bos, guest curator, wearable heritage
Exhibition "Charming" National Museum of Antiquities

In 2009 I was one of the guest curators of the exhibition 'Charming' in the National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden, the Netherlands. Over 40 objects of the Wearable Heritage collection were on display there as part of a larger exhibition theme on Magic in Egypt


Jolanda Bos heritage consultant
The use of heritage in urban development

Project Waterfront Development in small and medium size cities. With The Missing Link, I consulted on the use of heritage in public space for the revitalisation of industrial city areas. This was done for the project Revitalization of Old Industry Ports. The project resulted in a handbook and a film


Specialist and consultant Portico

PORTICO (Interreg IVB NWE) is a cooperative project of 4 European cities to make heritage visible by developing new methods, techniques and ways of thinking about urban development. In this project I helped develop a Code of Practice realized by the Master Class organized by the PORTICO project in 2010, while I was working for The Missing Link.


Jolanda Bos heritage management
Jolanda Bos site management landscape management
Landscape management project Fayum North Shore

Together with UCLA, I developed a landscape management program for the Fayum North Shore (Egypt). Sites in the area range from the Neolithic period to the Greco-Roman site of Karanis. We have done risk-assessments, worked on regulations for preserving archaeological remains in situ, research agenda’s and a visitor management plan


Jolanda Bos 5 Gyres ambassador, garbologist
Jolanda Bos heritage clinics lecturer
Heritage Clinics

In 2015 Heritage Clinics was started, a private initiative giving talks and workshops on different aspects of heritage with a very practical element. In these clinics the public participates in heritage research or workshops. I am one of the clinic masters, lecturing on Egyptian heritage, archaeology and Marine Litter.

2015 - present

Archaeological consultation N23 Westfrisiaweg (NL)

Heijmans is constructing the Westfrisia road in the northern part of the Netherlands. With this infrastructural project over ten (mostly Bronze Age) archaeological sites were in danger. I advized Heijmans on the necessary archaeological research, conducted risk assessments and organized the different excavations.

2012 - 2018

Ambassadorship 5 Gyres

I am a Dutch ambassador for the 5 Gyres Institute, based in the U.S.A.

5 Gyres is a community that fights ocean plastic pollution through education, science and activism. The Ambassadors are educated and empowered by 5 Gyres’ global network  to take action against plastic pollution within their local communities

2016 - present

lecturing and teaching
ARCHON, the Dutch inter-university research and graduate school for archaeology


For PhD students and Research Master students of the participating institutions (the University's of Amsterdam [UvA and VU], Groningen [RUG], Leiden [UL] and the State Service for Cultural Heritage [RCE])


Archaeological Site Management courses for the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities


Developing educational programm & teaching archaeological site management at the Reinwardt Academy


Heritage Clinics


Owner of Heritage Clinics and lecturer on heritage and archaeology


Dissemination at conferences


Oral and paper presentations at international conferences and seminars (i.e. several conferences at the ENAME Centre, Belgium; Preserving Archaeological Remains In Situ 3 - Amsterdam; Heritage and Tourism in the West Asian and North African region - Amman, Jordan, Fayum Landscape Archaeology - Medinet Fayum, Egypt)


Several (private) institutions


Lecturer on heritage and archaeology at several (private) institutions, for instance the Free University of Amsterdam


The Amarna Project


Incidental lectures on the mummy hair project for the Bioarchaeological fieldschool of the Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Amarna Project, Egypt


Associate Professorship Visitor Studies, Breda University of Applied Sciences


Researching the relationship between heritage and tourism, teaching classes in the minor ‘Heritage and Tourism’. Using visitor management as a strategy to mitigate site pollution and generate the desired effects of visitor flows on archaeological remains


Fayum North Shore Project, University of California Los Angeles,


Site and landscape management for the combined fieldschool of UCLA and the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt

Books & Articles
Books and booklets
  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (forthcoming in 2025). Wearables 01. Female costume and dress from the Siwa oasis, Egypt. BLKVLD Publishers.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (forthcoming in 2025). Wearing the thaler. The Maria Theresa Thaler in jewelry and dress. Private collection series. BLKVLD Publishers.

  • ​Bos, J.E.M.F., M. Manders, B. Smid, W. Waldus, (forthcoming in 2025). Gezonken erfgoed. Een Nederlandse geschiedenis aan de hand van 15 scheepswrakken. BLKVLD Publishers.

  • Hense, M. and Bos J.E.M.F. (2022). A Tomb Robbers' Trail Revealed. Cold Case KV62. BLKVLD Publishers (also published in Dutch).

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2022). Site by Site. An Introductory Guide to Archaeological Site Management in Egypt. BLKVLD Publishers.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2022). Nederland blijvend in verandering. Panorama Landschap. BLKVLD Publishers & Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2022). Meesterwerk Nederlands Landschap. BLKVLD Publishers & Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2021). Vruchtbaar Laagland, het landschap van Noord-Holland door de eeuwen heen. Noord-Holland.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2020). Het raadsel van Hilde, zoektocht naar een intrigerende vrouw. Provincie Noord-Holland.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2019). Paint it, Black. A Biography of Kohl Containers. BLKVLD Publishers.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2019). Vier op een Rij. De tweede Beemster molen uit de Draaioordergang. Provincie Noord-Holland.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. and S.M. van Roode (2018). Landschap vol Leven. De archeologie van de Westfrisiaweg. BLKVLD Publishers.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2017). Objects of the Day. BLKVLD Publishers.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2016). Egypt’s Wearable Heritage. BLKVLD Publishers.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. and S.M. van Roode (2012). Raadsels van Vierpolders, bewoning in de jaren 100-150 na Christus. Gemeente Brielle.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F., et al. (2010). Reverse Archaeology, van registreren naar regisseren. Woerden, The Missing Link.

  • Roode, S.M. v., J.E.M.F. Bos, met bijdragen van D. Bente (2006). Thuis op de Gerner Marke. Dalfsen.


Academic publications & research reports
  • Stevens, Anna (et al) (2024). "Tell el-Amarna, Autumn 2023 to Summer 2024." The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 2024, Vol. 110(1-2) 13–4.

  • Stevens, Anna (et al) (2022). “Tell el-Amarna, autumn 2020 to autumn 2021.” The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 2022, Vol. 108(1-2) 9–22.

  • Bos, J. (2021). “Hairstyles at Akhetaten.” In: Stevens, A. et al. Amarna: A Guide to the Ancient City of Akhetaten. The American University in Cairo Press.

  • Bos, J. and V. Davies (2020). “Analysis of Beads and Pendants.” In: V. Davies. The Phoebe A. Hearst Expedition to Naga ed-Deir, Cemeteries N 2000 and N 2500. Brill.

  • Stevens, Anna (et al) (2020) “Tell el-Amarna, autumn 2018 and autumn 2019.” The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 106(1-2) 3–15.

  • Stevens, Anna, Corina E. Rogge, Jolanda E.M.F. Bos and Gretchen R. Dabbs, (2019). “From representation to reality: ancient Egyptian wax head cones from Amarna.” Antiquity 93(372): 1515-1533.

  • Veldmeijer, A.J. and J. Bos (2019). Beads. In: Sabbahy, L.K. All Things Ancient Egypt: An Encyclopedia of the Ancient Egyptian World. Greenwood.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2019). Paint it, Black, a biography of kohl containers, BLKVLD Publishers.

  • Stevens, Anna (et al) (2019) “Tell el-Amarna, autumn 2017 and spring 2018.” The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 104(2): 1–24.

  • Stevens, Anna (et al) (2020) “Tell el-Amarna, Autumn 2017 and Spring 2018.” The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2017). The Tutankhamun beadwork, an introduction to archaeological beadwork analysis. in: Not Just for Show: The Archaeology of Beads, Beadwork and Personal Ornaments, D. Bar-Yosef. Oxbow books.

  • Barnard, H., et al. (2016). “The preservation of exposed mudbrick architecture in Karanis (Kom Aushim), Egypt.” Journal of Field Archaeology 41(1): 84-100.

  • Kemp, B. (part by J. Bos) (2014). “Tell el-Amarna, 2014.” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 100: 1-33.

  • Kemp, B. (part by J. Bos) (2013). “Tell el-Amarna, 2012-13.” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 99: 1-34.

  • Goudswaard, B., et al. (2012). “Balancing goals: a Dutch method on how to stimulate private-public co-operation in ‘Reverse Heritage’ management.” Portico June 2012: 9-17.

  • Pape, H. and J.E.M.F. Bos (2012). “Forward with Reverse Archaeology.” Heritage & Society 5(1).

  • Goudswaard, B., et al. (2012). “Reverse Heritage.” Heritage & Society 5(1).

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. and E. Ennen (2011). "Analyzing Connection, Experience and Enticement of Visitors to the Fayum North Shore of Egypt." In: Conservation of Architecture, Urban Areas, Nature & Landscape: Towards a Sustainable Survival of Cultural Landscape Amman, Jordan, The center for the study of architecture in the Arab region.

  • Fonds, T., et al. (2011). Maritiem Erfgoed. Revitalisering met behoud van erfgoed: bezint eer ge begint! in: Handboek voor waterfrontontwikkeling in kleine en middelgrote steden. Antwerpen, Revitalisering Oude Industriehavens: 84-101.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F., et al. (2010). “Heeft archeologie de toeristische boot gemist?” Vrijetijdsstudies 28(2): 23-32.

  • Goudswaard, B., et al. (2010). “Tracking the past: archaeological heritage management.” Netlipse December 2010(8): 6-8.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2009). Visitor strategy document ancient landscapes. Woerden, the ReCollective and UCLA.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2008). A management strategy for Karanis, the role of degradation research. PARIS3, Amsterdam, Free University of Amsterdam.

  • Wendrich, W. Z. and J. Bos (2007). “Mudbrick and good manners: the Karanis site management project.” ARCE (American Research Center in Egypt) bulletin 129 (2007): 12-15.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2007). Position paper Karanis, Egypt. Introductory paper to the site management plan of the Graeco-Roman town of Karanis. Woerden, Past2Present-ArcheoLogic and UCLA.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2007). Amphora stoppers and seals of the 1999 season. in: Report of the 1999 excavations at Berenike and the survey of the Egyptian Eastern Desert. S. E. S. & W. Z. Wendrich: 258-269.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2007). The implication of ownership of Karanis: a dynamic approach to site management in Egypt. in: Who owns the past? Heritage rights and responsibilities in a multicultural world. Ghent, Belgium, Ename.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2007). “Life and tradition of the Ababda nomads, the junction between intangible and tangible heritage management.” International Journal of Intangible Heritage 2: 31-43.

  • Wendrich, W. Z., et al. (2006). VR modelling in research, instruction, presentation and cultural heritage management, the case of Karanis (Egypt). CIPA International Workshop dedicated in e-Documentation & Standardisation in Cultural Heritage, Cyprus.

  • Bos, J.E.M.F. (2001). Jar stoppers and seals. in: Report of the 1998 excavations at Berenike and the survey of the Egyptian Eastern Desert, including excavations at Wadi Kalalat. S.E. Sidebotham,  W. Z. Wendrich: 275-303.

  • Cashman, V. L., J.E.M.F. Bos & L.A. Pintozzi (1999). Jar stoppers in: Report of the 1997 excavations at Berenike and the survey of the Egyptian Eastern Desert, including excavations at Shenshef. S.E. Sidebotham, W. Z. Wendrich. Leiden, CNWS: 285-297.

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